This Article is From Dec 19, 2014

Canadian Man Finally Finds Travel Partner With Ex-Fiancee's Name

Montreal: Dumped by his fiancee last month, Jordan Axani lost not just his future bride, but a travel companion for the round-the-world trip he had been planning to leave on next week.

The non-refundable, non-transferable plane tickets -- usable only under his name and that of his former love -- might have been forfeited.

But Axani, 28, posted an ad on the social networking site Reddit, seeking a female travel partner answering to Elizabeth Gallagher -- the same name as the woman who had jilted him a few weeks earlier.

In exchange for a free plane ticket, Axani offered a month of platonic travel, with stops planned in Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and Delhi.

Six weeks after placing the ad, news reports said the Toronto resident had received replies from not just one Elizabeth Gallagher, but 18 -- all eager to accompany him on the trip.

The one he chose -- a 23-year-old student from Nova Scotia whom he has only spoken to via Internet -- said she was eagerly looking forward to the trip, which gets underway on Sunday.

"He seems like someone I could get along with, and have a lot of fun with," she told Canadian media.

As it turns out, this Elizabeth Gallagher said she will be a replacement travel partner for Axani and little else, since she already has "a pretty serious boyfriend."